King’s Quest V – the complete soundtrack
on colored vinyl!
Yes, you heard me. You thought I’d never do a King’s Quest soundtrack, right? Well, you’re right! I didn’t!
And now I won’t have to!
Because my good friend Erik of Magic Map Studio has created the definitive re-orchestration of the King’s Quest V soundtrack.
Nine months in the making and featuring live instrumentation and vocals, “King’s Quest V: Songs of Serenia” is a loving and meticulously crafted tribute by someone who actually gives a shit about King’s Quest.

The sleeve artwork is by Bruce Brenneise, who has also done a fabulous gatefold image (shown below).

The label artwork on the vinyls themselves are done by Al Eufrasio, an ex-artist at Sierra On-Line whose credits include Torin’s Passage, King’s Quest VII, and Hero-U: Rogue to Redemption (shown below).

So if you’ve ever wanted King’s Quest V on vinyl — that is, the true, authentic sound of King’s Quest V — then this is your chance!